Running on Empty

I thought it was about time to get on here and update again.

My life is so busy that all my free time at work dwindled away to nothing. I try to peek in every now and then but there are always interruptions.

My new job role is keeping me busy and that’s not all that bad. I get up at 4:45am and get home at 6:00pm or after. That gives me time to feed the dogs, feed myself, do my training run, shower and go to bed.

My dogs and husband barely recognize me anymore. This new work situation couldn’t have come at a worse time with the marathon training ongoing.

I was so tired that I left work early yesterday which is very unusual for me. I came home. Took a shower. Put on pajamas and took a nap. It was my training rest day…so I really rested. I felt much better this morning.

I am into my 4th week of training for the Chicago Marathon. I am a bit frustrated with myself for letting my fitness level drop. I struggle now with 7 or 8 miles so this should be interesting! πŸ™‚

I finally took the time to book my hotel in Chicago for 3 nights and that hit the bank account for $1000! We are staying at the Hyatt Regency Chicago near the start of the marathon in Grant’s Park.Β I’m nervous and excited.

Training will further be a challenge because we have 2 weeks booked in Santa Cruz, CA in August….which falls when there are long runs scheduled. I can’t see myself getting out of bed early or getting my butt off the beach to do that 18 mile run. I’ll have find a way to work around that. I usually run a lot there so I will do the same. Beach running is heaven. πŸ™‚ I will also do a trail run in the Redwoods so I will make do.

I’m not as excited about vacation as I should be. I still don’t know what will happen with my brother. He is getting worse but he is still pain free. I want him to live as long as he wants to. I already miss him.

And, I really hate leaving Peyton and Eli for 2 weeks. To me, it’s like dropping off my kids to stay in a kennel for 2 weeks. I wish I had better options…I really wish I could take them. If we drove, we could.

Anyway……I do dream of vacation in Santa Cruz so I’m sure I’ll enjoy it.

I need to start designing my next tattoo that I plan on getting when I get there. My guy (Tim) is the greatest and has done all my tattoos. This one will be about my marathon and maybe the St. Louis Arch or skyline in it somewhere.

Last weekend, I ran the “Macklind Mile” – St. Louis’ fastest mile and I was almost a minute slower than last year. Shame. Daniel ran the quarter mile. I love it when he enjoys running. He got a ribbon and medal so he was proud.

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On Sunday, I ran in the St. Louis Pride 5k and had a decent race. It was a fun time and the same as all runs except more colorful. πŸ™‚

I’m eating healthy during the week but on the weekend, this train comes off the rail…well, it does on Saturday. Maybe I do that because it’s a long run day and I feel I deserve it!

My hip is much better and I am running pain free….knock wood.

I still enjoy spending time with Daniel and Sadie. I always make time for that.



I have a 9 mile run on Saturday morning and then Kevin and I are going to a Cardinals game. Will Β hang with my family after that.

I hope everyone enjoys their family on this 4th of July.

~Happy Independence Day~

Chicago….Here I Come???

Sunday kicked off my 18 week training for the Chicago Marathon. And I kicked it off with a 10 mile bike ride with Kevin. I could have ridden 20 miles.

Monday was a rest day after a long work day.

And it was 92 degrees today so I took my 3 miles on the treadmill watching “Criminal Minds.” I worked up a great sweat but I was worn out afterwards.

I’m ashamed to admit but I am no where near marathon training ready. I struggle through a 3 mile run right now. But I’m determined. I still suffer a little bit from a piriformis muscle issue but it is getting better. I am getting much better with before and after running maintenance by using my add-a-day and foam roller. I also am making an effort to stretch more. I want to train smart this time with plenty of cross-training which I did not do the last time.

So, it begins and just when the temps are hitting 90s! Kevin and I have a “Race for the Cure” 5k this coming Saturday and running with the team “St. Louis Blues.” It is always one of my favorite and for a great cause. I am always so inspired at this event.

My diet is gravitating more toward vegetarian but it’ s more pescatarian (vegetarians that eat fish). I don’t think I could ever go vegan because I just love swordfish, trout, shellfish and especially crawfish. I’m getting weird in my old age.

The other day driving to work…I passed a 18 wheeler packed full of baby pigs. They were looking around with excitement like they were going somewhere fun. One even made eye contact with me. It reminded my of my boys (Peyton and Eli) when they get in the car for a ride. Something came over me and I cried. I’m not sure I can every eat pork again. I never eat much meat anyway but that bothered me in a profound way. I don’t judge others…but I don’t think I can eat those cute little guys anymore.

I booked our yearly vacation to Santa Cruz and area. And it hits during some of the long runs. I love beach running but I don’t see me running 16, 18 miles! I want to sit on the beach and drink, dammit! πŸ™‚ Plus hike the redwoods. I always get plenty of exercise there so I think I can juggle my running schedule around and make it work. I will be retiring there if I live long enough! It’s my dream place to live.

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My work is getting busier with new responsibilities. My days are often 12 hours and when I get home, I’m beat.

I haven’t seen my cute little kiddies in 2 weeks so that is never good for me. We will be there this coming weekend and the next is Daniel’s 8th birthday.

A few weeks ago we took the kids strawberry picking. Kevin and I started our 2nd batch of “2 Brown Dogs” strawberry wine after picking about 25 lbs of beautiful strawberries.

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Stay tuned for more complaining about training in the summer.

“Bring on the Windy City Marathon”