Running Down a Dream

I felt so good like anything was possible
I hit cruise control and rubbed my eyes
The last three days the rain was unstoppable
It was always cold, no sunshine
“Running Down a Dream” ~ Tom Petty

As you see if you follow my posts, a lot of my titles reference songs. I love music. My running playlist consists of many songs that reference “running.”

I’m feeling the guilt that many runners feel when they do not run. Yes, I had reasonable reasons why I haven’t for 2 days. The excuse last night was that a furious thunderstorm hit Columbia, Missouri… but hey, I wasn’t going to run anyway. 🙂

I feel a bit depressed and guilty at the same time that I took 2 days off. Not running really plays games with my mental state. I don’t think people like me very well when I don’t run! 🙂 I know that I won’t get in my 20 mile goal this week due graduations and celebrations starting tomorrow night but I’ll do what I can.

It was warm yesterday and the storm moved in last evening so it’s chilly and rainy today…ahhhhh, perfect running weather.

I’ve been reading and studying various nutrition tips for people training for a marathon and I have found some that I believe will work for me. I have read several “Nutrition Guides for Runners.” Guides I am reading are from “Runner’s World” “Hal Higdon” “Fitness” etc so I’m not reading or considering just somebody’s suggested guide but reputable ones.

Sports Nutrition Pyramid

Many say during the training period if you run 20 miles per week, a normal sized person should eat 2000~2500 calories! I eat at or about 1500 k now. 2500 would blow me up so big that I can’t run! Jeez…how can this be?

I can understand on days of long runs but everyday? I will have to do more reading and justifying for me to do that. I do believe 1700 calories might be more realistic to give me proper calories and keep me from gaining weight. I could be wrong.

 It has a suggested breakdown of 2400 calories for a woman:

Breakfast: 600 cal
Lunch: 600 cal
Second Lunch?????  500 cal
Working out subtracts ~600 cal
Dinner” 700 calories

Hal Higdon and a few other renowned runners suggest a typical breakdown of: 20% protein, 30% fat, 50% complex carbs.

That is near what I try to do now 30, 30, 40 for the most part.



I do believe Carbo-Loading has been disspelled…has anyone seen that episode of “The Office” where Michael lead a 5k and carbo loaded with heavy fettucine right before??  One of their funnier episodes and Andy’s nipples were bleeding? 🙂 Great stuff….

I had a nice and easy 3.1 miler tonight. It felt good but a little something going on in my left hip. It worked out. I finished it in less than 30 minutes and I was taking it easy.

I am loving my Garmin Forerunner 220 🙂

I know I probably won’t do it when that alarm goes off but I am laying out my running clothes to hope to get my lazy ass out of bed in the morning at 4am. But, I honestly don’t see it happening….

I’m packing up tonight for 4 night stay at our apartment in St. Louis. I can always run better there because of being so close to Forest Park and no traffic to worry about. My daughter in law has honor cermonies tomorrow night and graduation on Thursday morning and then some celebrations with her family and us.

Congratulations to all graduates this year!

Your future’s so bright…..

 ⇒Wear Shades⇐


9 thoughts on “Running Down a Dream

  1. I’ve never seen that episode of The Office! It sounds hilarious! Lol I always feel bad for the guys with bloody nipples! One of the little known casualties of running outside of the running community! 😉 As far as calories, I would definitely pay attention to your body and hunger cues. When training for a marathon, I’m surprised by how hungry I am! I eat close to 2500 calories a day (To maintain my weight at 135)!

    • Try to find that episode of the Office! It’s great. Maybe 2500 is not bad idea for me. After I run a long run, I could eat a house! I think my worry is that I will get fat again and I weigh 155 about still heavy for a runner…I think. I will listen to my body. Thanks!

  2. Great post! Take the rest as you need It! I think it makes you a better runner! I can’t believe those calorie counts! I would just die having to eat that much! I would be interested in what you find! I am totally looking into a Garmon Foreruner! Hope to pick me one up soon!

    The Office.. Totally love!!!😂😂😂

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